Suzy B Software 2
Suzy B Software CD-ROM 2 (1994).iso
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1,337 lines
/*---- FLAGTRIV.C Version 1 Revision 12/29/86
by Michael Rupertus
note: This program was developed using Alcyon C version 4.14
#include <stdio.h>
#include <osbind.h>
#include <flagdata.h>
#include <instruct.h>
#define XOFFSET 27
#define YOFFSET 45
#define PLAYER_ONE 1
#define PLAYER_TWO 2
long main_screen, secondary_screen, time, score_1, score_2;
int contrl[12], intin[256], ptsin[256], intout[256], ptsout[256],
h, j, work_in[10], work_out[57], flags_shown[100],
rgb[4], pxy[12], gr_1, gr_2, gr_3, gr_4, number_of_players,
game_over, cindex, place, did_quess, rounds, draw_in_black,
black[] = { 0,0,0 }, bkgrnd[] = { 375,250,375 }, x, y, ctry,
difficulty, speed[] = { 0,401,251,151 }, *dp, *da[100];
char get_ready_screen[32768], scr_1_string[7], scr_2_string[7],
medium_message[] = {"[3][|You must use low resolution!] Confirmed]"},
mono_message[] = {"[3][|You must use a color monitor!] Confirmed]"},
switch( Getrez() )
case 0:
case 1:
form_alert( 1, medium_message );
case 2:
form_alert( 1, mono_message );
h = graf_handle( &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
for( j = 0; j < 10; work_in[j++] = 1 ) ; work_in[10] = 2;
v_opnvwk( work_in, &h, work_out );
graf_mouse( 256, 0L );
v_clrwk( h );
graf_mouse( 257, 0L );
v_clsvwk( h );
static int hold_palette[16],
default_palette[16][3] =
{ 1000, 1000, 1000 },
{ 1000, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1000, 0 },
{ 1000, 1000, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 1000 },
{ 1000, 0, 1000 },
{ 0, 1000, 1000 },
{ 750, 750, 750 },
{ 500, 500, 500 },
{ 1000, 500, 500 },
{ 500, 1000, 500 },
{ 1000, 1000, 500 },
{ 500, 500, 1000 },
{ 1000, 500, 1000 },
{ 500, 1000, 1000 },
{ 0, 0, 0 }
if( game_over == TRUE )
Setpalette( hold_palette );
else {
for( j = 0; j < 16; ++j )
hold_palette[j] = Setcolor( j, -1 );
for( x = 0; x < 16; ++x )
for( y = 0; y < 3; ++y )
rgb[y] = default_palette[x][y];
vs_color( h, x, rgb );
while( game_over == FALSE )
for( j = 0; j < 100; flags_shown[j++] = 0 ) ;
score_1=score_2=rounds = 0;
da[ 0] = d_00; na[ 0] = n_00;
da[ 1] = d_01; na[ 1] = n_01;
da[ 2] = d_02; na[ 2] = n_02;
da[ 3] = d_03; na[ 3] = n_03;
da[ 4] = d_04; na[ 4] = n_04;
da[ 5] = d_05; na[ 5] = n_05;
da[ 6] = d_06; na[ 6] = n_06;
da[ 7] = d_07; na[ 7] = n_07;
da[ 8] = d_08; na[ 8] = n_08;
da[ 9] = d_09; na[ 9] = n_09;
da[10] = d_10; na[10] = n_10;
da[11] = d_11; na[11] = n_11;
da[12] = d_12; na[12] = n_12;
da[13] = d_13; na[13] = n_13;
da[14] = d_14; na[14] = n_14;
da[15] = d_15; na[15] = n_15;
da[16] = d_16; na[16] = n_16;
da[17] = d_17; na[17] = n_17;
da[18] = d_18; na[18] = n_18;
da[19] = d_19; na[19] = n_19;
da[20] = d_20; na[20] = n_20;
da[21] = d_21; na[21] = n_21;
da[22] = d_22; na[22] = n_22;
da[23] = d_23; na[23] = n_23;
da[24] = d_24; na[24] = n_24;
da[25] = d_25; na[25] = n_25;
da[26] = d_26; na[26] = n_26;
da[27] = d_27; na[27] = n_27;
da[28] = d_28; na[28] = n_28;
da[29] = d_29; na[29] = n_29;
da[30] = d_30; na[30] = n_30;
da[31] = d_31; na[31] = n_31;
da[32] = d_32; na[32] = n_32;
da[33] = d_33; na[33] = n_33;
da[34] = d_34; na[34] = n_34;
da[35] = d_35; na[35] = n_35;
da[36] = d_36; na[36] = n_36;
da[37] = d_37; na[37] = n_37;
da[38] = d_38; na[38] = n_38;
da[39] = d_39; na[39] = n_39;
da[40] = d_40; na[40] = n_40;
da[41] = d_41; na[41] = n_41;
da[42] = d_42; na[42] = n_42;
da[43] = d_43; na[43] = n_43;
da[44] = d_44; na[44] = n_44;
da[45] = d_45; na[45] = n_45;
da[46] = d_46; na[46] = n_46;
da[47] = d_47; na[47] = n_47;
da[48] = d_48; na[48] = n_48;
da[49] = d_49; na[49] = n_49;
da[50] = d_50; na[50] = n_50;
da[51] = d_51; na[51] = n_51;
da[52] = d_52; na[52] = n_52;
da[53] = d_53; na[53] = n_53;
da[54] = d_54; na[54] = n_54;
da[55] = d_55; na[55] = n_55;
da[56] = d_56; na[56] = n_56;
da[57] = d_57; na[57] = n_57;
da[58] = d_58; na[58] = n_58;
da[59] = d_59; na[59] = n_59;
da[60] = d_60; na[60] = n_60;
da[61] = d_61; na[61] = n_61;
da[62] = d_62; na[62] = n_62;
da[63] = d_63; na[63] = n_63;
da[64] = d_64; na[64] = n_64;
da[65] = d_65; na[65] = n_65;
da[66] = d_66; na[66] = n_66;
da[67] = d_67; na[67] = n_67;
da[68] = d_68; na[68] = n_68;
da[69] = d_69; na[69] = n_69;
da[70] = d_70; na[70] = n_70;
da[71] = d_71; na[71] = n_71;
da[72] = d_72; na[72] = n_72;
da[73] = d_73; na[73] = n_73;
da[74] = d_74; na[74] = n_74;
da[75] = d_75; na[75] = n_75;
da[76] = d_76; na[76] = n_76;
da[77] = d_77; na[77] = n_77;
da[78] = d_78; na[78] = n_78;
da[79] = d_79; na[79] = n_79;
da[80] = d_80; na[80] = n_80;
da[81] = d_81; na[81] = n_81;
da[82] = d_82; na[82] = n_82;
da[83] = d_83; na[83] = n_83;
da[84] = d_84; na[84] = n_84;
da[85] = d_85; na[85] = n_85;
da[86] = d_86; na[86] = n_86;
da[87] = d_87; na[87] = n_87;
da[88] = d_88; na[88] = n_88;
da[89] = d_89; na[89] = n_89;
da[90] = d_90; na[90] = n_90;
da[91] = d_91; na[91] = n_91;
da[92] = d_92; na[92] = n_92;
da[93] = d_93; na[93] = n_93;
da[94] = d_94; na[94] = n_94;
da[95] = d_95; na[95] = n_95;
da[96] = d_96; na[96] = n_96;
da[97] = d_97; na[97] = n_97;
da[98] = d_98; na[98] = n_98;
da[99] = d_99; na[99] = n_99;
main_screen = Logbase();
secondary_screen = ( 0xffff00 & (long)get_ready_screen )+0x0100;
Setscreen( -1L, secondary_screen, -1 );
vsf_color( h, 4 );
v_contourfill( h, 30, 50, -1 );
vst_height( h, 12, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
rgb[0] = 1000; rgb[1] = 500; rgb[2] = 0;
vs_color( h, 12, rgb );
vst_color( h, 12 );
vst_effects( h, 5 );
vswr_mode( h, 2 );
v_gtext( h, 65, 87, "FLAG TRIVIA" );
vst_height( h, 6, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
rgb[0] = 625; rgb[1] = 0; rgb[2] = 625;
vs_color( h, 13, rgb );
vst_color( h, 13 );
vst_effects( h, 0 );
v_gtext( h, 135, 110, "by" );
vst_height( h, 9, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
vst_effects( h, 2 );
v_gtext( h, 52, 140, "MICHAEL RUPERTUS" );
Setscreen( secondary_screen, main_screen, -1 );
vsf_interior( h, 2 );
vsf_style( h, 9 );
rgb[0] = 1000; rgb[1]=rgb[2] = 0;
vs_color( h, 14, rgb );
vsf_color( h, 14 );
v_contourfill( h, 0, 0, -1 );
vsf_interior( h, 1 );
vst_height( h, 60, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
vst_effects( h, 33 );
vst_color( h, 4 );
v_gtext( h, 80, 100, "GET" );
v_gtext( h, 140, 130, "READY!" );
vst_height( h, 7, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
vst_effects( h, 4 );
vst_color( h, 2 );
vst_rotation( h, 900 );
v_gtext( h, 310, 190, "Kilroy" );
v_gtext( h, 310, 123, "was" );
v_gtext( h, 310, 86, "here!" );
vst_rotation( h, 0 );
vst_height( h, 6, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
Setscreen( main_screen, -1L, -1 );
v_gtext( h, 65, 183, "Press any key to play" );
draw_in_black = TRUE;
draw_in_black = FALSE;
vst_height( h, 7, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
v_gtext( h, 30, 90, "Do you need instructions?" );
v_gtext( h, 90, 120, "Press Y or N" );
for( j = 0; j != 'y' && j != 'Y' && j != 'n' && j != 'N'; )
j = (int)Bconin( 2 );
if( j == 'y' || j == 'Y' )
vst_height( h, 8, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
v_gtext( h, 45, 100, "How many will play?" );
vst_height( h, 6, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
v_gtext( h, 60, 140, "Press 1 or 2" );
vst_height( h, 6, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
for( j = 0; j != '1' && j != '2'; )
j = (int)Bconin( 2 );
number_of_players = j-48;
draw_in_black = TRUE;
vst_height( h, 8, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
v_gtext( h, 50, 100, "Select skill level:" );
vst_height( h, 6, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
vst_color( h, 11 );
v_gtext( h, 112, 120, "1 =" );
v_gtext( h, 112, 130, "2 =" );
v_gtext( h, 112, 140, "3 =" );
vst_color( h, 12 );
v_gtext( h, 144, 120, "Slow" );
v_gtext( h, 144, 130, "Quick" );
v_gtext( h, 144, 140, "Fast" );
for( j = 0; j != '1' && j != '2' && j != '3'; )
j = (int)Bconin( 2 );
difficulty = j-48;
draw_in_black = FALSE;
vswr_mode( h, 1 );
int index, line;
rgb[0] = 0; rgb[1] = 750; rgb[2] = 0;
vs_color( h, 10, rgb );
rgb[0] = 1000; rgb[1]= 0;
vs_color( h, 11, rgb );
draw_in_black = TRUE;
for( index=j = 0; j < 5; ++j )
vst_color( h, 11 );
y = y_start[j];
for( line = 0; line < lines_to_show[j]; ++line, y += 12 )
x = 144-(10*(strlen( &instructions[index][0] )/2));
v_gtext( h, x, y, &instructions[index++][0] );
vst_color( h, 10 );
vst_height( h, 6, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
v_gtext( h, 45, 180, press_to_continue );
vst_height( h, 8, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
draw_in_black = FALSE;
static int flag_outline[] = { 25,42,26,42, 25,43,26,43, 26,44,27,44,
26,45,267,45, 267,45,267,186, 267,186,27,186,
27,186,27,45 };
vs_color( h, 0, bkgrnd );
vs_color( h, 1, black );
rgb[0]=rgb[1]=rgb[2] = 1000;
vs_color( h, 4, rgb );
/*---- Draw vertical part of pole ----*/
pxy[0] = 12; pxy[1] = 199; pxy[2] = 12; pxy[3] = 42;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 13; pxy[1] = 199; pxy[2] = 13; pxy[3] = 42;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 22; pxy[1] = 199; pxy[2] = 22; pxy[3] = 42;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 23; pxy[1] = 199; pxy[2] = 23; pxy[3] = 42;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
/*---- Draw upper part of pole ----*/
pxy[0] = 9; pxy[1] = 41; pxy[2] = 26; pxy[3] = 41;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 9; pxy[1] = 40; pxy[2] = 26; pxy[3] = 40;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 9; pxy[1] = 39; pxy[2] = 9; pxy[3] = 37;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 10; pxy[1] = 39; pxy[2] = 10; pxy[3] = 37;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 25; pxy[1] = 39; pxy[2] = 25; pxy[3] = 37;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 26; pxy[1] = 39; pxy[2] = 26; pxy[3] = 37;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 9; pxy[1] = 36; pxy[2] = 26; pxy[3] = 36;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 9; pxy[1] = 35; pxy[2] = 26; pxy[3] = 35;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
/*---- Draw flag outline ----*/
v_pline( h, 14, flag_outline );
pxy[0] = 27; pxy[1] = 186; pxy[2] = 27; pxy[3] = 199;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
/*---- Draw gold ball on top of the pole ----*/
rgb[0] = 875; rgb[1] = 500; rgb[2] = 0;
vs_color( h, 2, rgb );
vsl_color( h, 2 );
pxy[0] = 15; pxy[1] = 34; pxy[2] = 20; pxy[3] = 34;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 14; pxy[1] = 33; pxy[2] = 21; pxy[3] = 33;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 14; pxy[1] = 32; pxy[2] = 21; pxy[3] = 32;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 14; pxy[1] = 31; pxy[2] = 21; pxy[3] = 31;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 14; pxy[1] = 30; pxy[2] = 21; pxy[3] = 30;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 15; pxy[1] = 29; pxy[2] = 20; pxy[3] = 29;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 16; pxy[1] = 28; pxy[2] = 19; pxy[3] = 28;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
/*---- Fill the pole with silver ----*/
rgb[0]=rgb[1]=rgb[2] = 875;
vs_color( h, 3, rgb );
vsf_color( h, 3 );
v_contourfill( h, 14, 199, -1 );
v_contourfill( h, 14, 39, -1 );
while( *dp != DONE )
switch( *dp )
case NEW:
case MORE:
case FILL:
case MFILL:
case CIRCLE:
case ARC:
case ELLARC:
register int j, draw_color, pairs;
int temp_data[100];
if( *dp == NEW )
draw_color = *++dp;
rgb[0] = *++dp;
rgb[1] = *++dp;
rgb[2] = *++dp;
vs_color( h, draw_color, rgb );
vsl_color( h, draw_color );
pairs = *++dp;
for( j = 0; j < pairs * 2; temp_data[j++] = *++dp ) ;
v_pline( h, pairs, temp_data );
register int reg, x_start, y_start;
if( *dp == FILL )
reg = *++dp;
rgb[0] = *++dp;
rgb[1] = *++dp;
rgb[2] = *++dp;
vs_color( h, reg, rgb );
vsf_color( h, reg );
x_start = *++dp;
y_start = *++dp;
v_contourfill( h, x_start, y_start, -1 );
register int reg, x_center, y_center, radius;
reg = *++dp;
rgb[0] = *++dp;
rgb[1] = *++dp;
rgb[2] = *++dp;
vs_color( h, reg, rgb );
vsf_color( h, reg );
x_center = *++dp;
y_center = *++dp;
radius = *++dp;
v_circle( h, x_center, y_center, radius );
register int x_center, y_center, begang, endang, radius;
int reg;
reg = *++dp;
rgb[0] = *++dp;
rgb[1] = *++dp;
rgb[2] = *++dp;
vs_color( h, reg, rgb );
vsl_color( h, reg );
x_center = *++dp;
y_center = *++dp;
begang = *++dp;
endang = *++dp;
radius = *++dp;
v_arc( h, x_center, y_center, begang, endang, radius );
register int x_center, y_center, x_radius, y_radius, begang;
int endang, reg;
reg = *++dp;
rgb[0] = *++dp;
rgb[1] = *++dp;
rgb[2] = *++dp;
vs_color( h, reg, rgb );
vsl_color( h, reg );
x_center = *++dp;
y_center = *++dp;
x_radius = *++dp;
y_radius = *++dp;
begang = *++dp;
endang = *++dp;
v_ellarc( h, x_center, y_center, x_radius, y_radius, begang, endang );
if( draw_in_black == TRUE )
vs_color( h, 8, black );
vsl_color( h, 8 );
else {
vsl_color( h, 4 );
switch( (int)(Random() & 3) )
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
int xy_l[4], xy_r[4];
xy_l[0] = 1+XOFFSET; xy_l[1] = 1+YOFFSET;
xy_l[2] = xy_l[0]; xy_l[3] = 140+YOFFSET;
xy_r[0] = 239+XOFFSET; xy_r[1] = 1+YOFFSET;
xy_r[2] = xy_r[0]; xy_r[3] = 140+YOFFSET;
while( xy_l[0] < (121+XOFFSET) )
v_pline( h, 2, xy_l );
v_pline( h, 2, xy_r );
++xy_l[0]; ++xy_l[2];
--xy_r[0]; --xy_r[2];
int xy_l[4], xy_r[4];
xy_l[0] = 120+XOFFSET;
xy_l[1] = 1+YOFFSET;
xy_l[2] = xy_l[0];
xy_l[3] = 140+YOFFSET;
xy_r[0] = xy_l[0];
xy_r[1] = xy_l[1];
xy_r[2] = xy_l[2];
xy_r[3] = xy_l[3];
while( xy_l[0] > XOFFSET )
v_pline( h, 2, xy_l );
v_pline( h, 2, xy_r );
--xy_l[0]; --xy_l[2];
++xy_r[0]; ++xy_r[2];
int square[12];
pxy[0] = 70+XOFFSET;
pxy[1] = 70+YOFFSET;
pxy[2] = pxy[0];
pxy[3] = pxy[1]+1;
for( ; pxy[0] < (171+XOFFSET); ++pxy[0], ++pxy[2] )
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
square[0] = 69+XOFFSET;
square[1] = pxy[1]-1;
square[2] = pxy[2];
square[3] = square[1];
square[4] = square[2];
square[5] = pxy[3]+1;
square[6] = square[0];
square[7] = square[5];
square[8] = square[0];
square[9] = square[1];
while( (square[0] > XOFFSET) && (square[1] > YOFFSET) )
v_pline( h, 5, square );
delay( 2500L );
int square[12];
square[0] = 1+XOFFSET;
square[1] = 1+YOFFSET;
square[2] = 239+XOFFSET;
square[3] = 1+YOFFSET;
square[4] = square[2];
square[5] = 140+YOFFSET;
square[6] = square[0];
square[7] = square[5];
square[8] = square[0];
square[9] = square[1];
while( square[1] < (71+YOFFSET) )
v_pline( h, 5, square );
delay( 2500L );
while( ++rounds < 21 )
while( Bconstat( 2 ) ) /* Flush keyboard buffer */
Bconin( 2 );
vs_color( h, 0, black );
Setscreen( -1L, secondary_screen, -1 );
vst_height( h, 8, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
v_gtext( h, 30, 41, " " );
vs_color( h, 0, bkgrnd );
Setscreen( -1L, main_screen, -1 );
draw_in_black = TRUE;
draw_in_black = FALSE;
vswr_mode( h, 2 );
v_gtext( h, 104, 80, "Game Over" );
if( number_of_players == 2 )
if( score_1 > score_2 )
v_gtext( h, 72, 100, "Player one wins" );
else if( score_1 < score_2 )
v_gtext( h, 72, 100, "Player two wins" );
else {
v_gtext( h, 94, 100, "A tie game!" );
v_gtext( h, 94, 120, "Play Again?" );
v_gtext( h, 84, 130, "Press Y or N" );
vswr_mode( h, 1 );
for( j = 0; j != 'y' && j != 'Y' && j != 'n' && j != 'N'; )
j = (int)Bconin( 2 );
if( j == 'y' || j == 'Y' )
game_over = FALSE;
else {
game_over = TRUE;
while( (cindex = (int)(Random() & 127)) > 99 ) ;
while( flags_shown[cindex] );
flags_shown[cindex] = 1;
dp = da[cindex];
char time_string[5], round_string[5];
int quess, j;
j=did_quess = 0;
time = speed[difficulty];
rgb[0]=rgb[1] = 0; rgb[2] = 750;
vs_color( h, 12, rgb );
rgb[0] = 750; rgb[2] = 375;
vs_color( h, 11, rgb );
vst_color( h, 15 );
vst_effects( h, 32 );
v_gtext( h, 40, 199, "TIME" );
v_gtext( h, 160, 199, "ROUND" );
vst_effects( h, 0 );
v_gtext( h, 87, 199, "=" );
v_gtext( h, 217, 199, "=" );
vst_color( h, 4 );
v_gtext( h, 230, 199, " " );
sprintf( round_string, "%d", rounds );
v_gtext( h, 230, 199, round_string );
while( --time )
if( time < 100 )
vst_color( h, 11 );
sprintf( time_string, "%3ld", time );
v_gtext( h, 100, 199, time_string );
if( (quess = poll_players()) > 0 )
if( quess < 5 )
j = check_quess( PLAYER_ONE, quess );
else if( number_of_players == 2 )
j = check_quess( PLAYER_TWO, quess-6 );
if( j )
v_gtext( h, 123, 199, "0" );
vst_color( h, 15 );
vst_effects( h, 4 );
v_gtext( h, 30, 41, " " );
v_gtext( h, 110, 41, "Time's Up!!" );
vst_effects( h, 0 );
for( j = 20; j > 0; --j )
rgb[0] = (int)(Random() & 1023);
vs_color( h, 11, rgb );
delay( 38000L );
rgb[0] = 1000;
vs_color( h, 11, rgb );
if( Bconstat( 2 ) == 0 )
return( 0 );
switch( (int)(Bconin( 2 ) >> 16) )
case 59: return( 1 );
case 60: return( 2 );
case 61: return( 3 );
case 62: return( 4 );
case 65: return( 7 );
case 66: return( 8 );
case 67: return( 9 );
case 68: return( 10 );
default: return( 0 );
check_quess( player, quess )
int player, quess;
if( player & did_quess )
return( 0 );
if( quess == place )
they_got_it( player );
return( 1 );
did_quess |= player;
if( did_quess == 3 )
vswr_mode( h, 2 );
v_gtext( h, 42, 41, "Both of you are WRONG!" );
vswr_mode( h, 1 );
delay( 300000L );
return( 1 );
if( number_of_players == 1 )
vswr_mode( h, 2 );
v_gtext( h, 42, 41, "Sorry, you are WRONG!" );
vswr_mode( h, 1 );
delay( 300000L );
return( 1 );
return( 0 );
they_got_it( player )
int player;
if( player == PLAYER_ONE )
if( number_of_players == 1 )
v_gtext( h, 70, 41, "You are correct!" );
else {
v_gtext( h, 42, 41, "Player one is right!" );
delay( 300000L );
score_1 += 1000 + (difficulty * time);
else {
v_gtext( h, 42, 41, "Player two is right!" );
delay( 300000L );
score_2 += 1000 + (difficulty * time);
for( j = 30; j > 0; --j )
rgb[0] = (int)(Random() & 1023);
rgb[1] = (int)(Random() & 1023);
rgb[2] = (int)(Random() & 1023);
vs_color( h, 13, rgb );
delay( 20000L );
rgb[0]=rgb[1]=rgb[2] = 1000;
vs_color( h, 13, rgb );
delay( 300000L );
v_gtext( h, 30, 41, " " );
vst_color( h, 15 );
v_gtext( h, 30, 41, "1P =" );
vst_color( h, 4 );
sprintf( scr_1_string, "%ld", score_1 );
v_gtext( h, 80, 41, scr_1_string );
if( number_of_players == 2 )
vst_color( h, 15 );
v_gtext( h, 150, 41, "2P =" );
sprintf( scr_2_string, "%ld", score_2 );
vst_color( h, 4 );
v_gtext( h, 200, 41, scr_2_string );
delay( 40000L );
/*---- Draw text grid ----*/
rgb[0] = 0; rgb[1] = 625; rgb[2] = 625;
vs_color( h, 15, rgb );
vsl_color( h, 15 );
vsl_udsty( h, 21845 ); /* every other bit is on */
vsl_type( h, 7 );
pxy[0] = 0; pxy[1] = 0; pxy[2] = 319; pxy[3] = 0;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 0; pxy[1] = 11; pxy[2] = 319; pxy[3] = 11;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 0; pxy[1] = 23; pxy[2] = 319; pxy[3] = 23;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 0; pxy[1] = 0; pxy[2] = 0; pxy[3] = 23;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 160; pxy[1] = 0; pxy[2] = 160; pxy[3] = 23;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 319; pxy[1] = 0; pxy[2] = 319; pxy[3] = 23;
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
/*---- Erase text areas ----*/
vsl_color( h, 1 );
vsl_type( h, 1 );
pxy[0] = 159; pxy[1] = 1; pxy[2] = 159; pxy[3] = 10;
while( pxy[0] > 0 ) /* Area one */
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 161; pxy[1] = 1; pxy[2] = 161; pxy[3] = 10;
while( pxy[0] < 319 ) /* Area two */
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 159; pxy[1] = 12; pxy[2] = 159; pxy[3] = 22;
while( pxy[0] > 0 ) /* Area three */
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
pxy[0] = 161; pxy[1] = 12; pxy[2] = 161; pxy[3] = 22;
while( pxy[0] < 319 ) /* Area four */
v_pline( h, 2, pxy );
static int x_table[5][18] = {
{ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 },
{ 0,0,0,0,72,64,56,48,40,32,24,16,8,8,8,8,8 },
{ 0,0,0,0,232,224,216,208,200,192,184,176,168,168,168,168,168 },
{ 0,0,0,0,72,64,56,48,40,32,24,16,8,8,8,8,8 },
{ 0,0,0,0,232,224,216,208,200,192,184,176,168,168,168,168,168 } },
y_table[] = { 0,8,8,20,20 };
char str_array[5][18];
int abcd[5], e, len;
for( e = 1; e < 5; abcd[e++] = -1 );
place = (int)(Random() & 3 ); ++place;
strcpy( &str_array[place][0], na[cindex] );
abcd[place] = cindex;
for( j = 1; j < 5; ++j )
if( abcd[j] < 0 )
while( (ctry = (int)(Random() & 127)) > 99 ) ;
for( e = 0, x = 1; x < 5; ++x )
if( abcd[x] == ctry )
e = 1;
/*---- Indonesia & Monaco are identical ----*/
if( (cindex == 42 && ctry == 64) ||
(cindex == 64 && ctry == 42) )
e = 1;
while( e );
abcd[j] = ctry;
strcpy( &str_array[j][0], na[ctry] );
rgb[0]=rgb[1] = 1000; rgb[2] = 0; /* Text color */
vs_color( h, 5, rgb );
vs_color( h, 13, rgb );
vst_effects( h, 0 );
vst_height( h, 6, &gr_1, &gr_2, &gr_3, &gr_4 );
vswr_mode( h, 2 );
for( j = 1; j < 5; ++j )
if( j == place )
vst_color( h, 13 );
else {
vst_color( h, 5 );
len = strlen( &str_array[j][0] );
v_gtext( h, x_table[j][len], y_table[j], &str_array[j][0] );
vswr_mode( h, 1 );
delay( t )
long t;
while( --t ) ;
/*-------------- end of FLAGTRIV.C --------------*/